Sometime in 2019, a friend was visiting from the US and we got to talking about China, Trump, Tariffs and what not. At some point in the conversation, he used the word terrifying, when I heard that I stopped him immediately and asked if he meant T-A-R-I-F-F-Y-I-N-G, which inspired this work of fiscal art during the Finance Ministers’ G7 meetings in Paris (while I know that Trump and Xi Jinping were not in Paris, the Eiffel Tower was just something I felt I could draw as a background). With the recent WTO ruling against the US Tarrifs on China I thought I could now release the attached work, which while not GAAR, does show that even governments have to be held accountable to other governments on their actions otherwise even tariffs can be abused and misused, see also the WAPO story on the ruling.