No this EU-Exit, (exiting the GAAR) will never happen. But around the same time as the MAART Board was done, I also did an EU Edition of the GAART Board, never anticipating that I would have to redo it to remove the UK, if they ever exit the EU or the GAAR. The idea of the EU Edition was the EU Anti-avoidance Directive that continues to wend its way through the member states, and it identifies the various GAARs in each of the many EU states that already have a GAAR. Pursuant to the EU Anti-avoidance directive, these are subject to change but GAART Board, EU Edition is timeless. While I have refocussed GAARMAGEDDON.COM on the GAAR in Canada, one day I will add more global content. For GAART Board – EU Edition, I posted long before BRexit happened.